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Ep 48. How to Run Multiple Businesses with 5/2 Manifesting Generator Haley Westfall

In episode 48 of the "Design and Align Your Business Podcast," I got to chat with Haley Westfall, a multi-entrepreneur and business coach who, like me, is a 5/2 line and a manifesting generator. Turns out, we have a lot in common, and it was fascinating to dive deep into her career journey, the big changes she’s made, and the wise words she shared.

From Corporate World to Entrepreneurial Life: The Big Shift

Haley’s story starts in the corporate world of healthcare administration, where she swiftly climbed the ranks over 20 years. But then, life threw her a curveball with not one, but two layoffs in a short period. These setbacks turned into a game-changer, pushing Haley to rethink her path and dive into entrepreneurship.

Making such a significant transition wasn’t easy, especially moving from a high-achieving corporate role to the unpredictable world of entrepreneurship. It was all about resilience and adapting to new challenges.

Entrepreneurial Spark: Building a Six-Figure Business

Haley’s entrepreneurial journey kicked off quite unexpectedly. A friend asked her to manage social media, which lit a spark in her. Before long, through word-of-mouth, she had built a six-figure business. But mere financial success wasn’t enough. Haley craved deeper fulfillment and realized her true passion was about connecting people.

That epiphany led her to rethink her entire business model and focus on creating meaningful connections. This bold move is a fantastic reminder to align your career with what genuinely matters to you.

Busy and Balanced: Managing Multiple Ventures

Today, Haley juggles two businesses: her personal brand and Collab Culture, a membership community. Her toolkit includes project management apps, notes apps, and voxer messages to keep her thoughts organized and head clear.

She emphasizes the importance of having a solid support system. Hiring the right people and letting go of control has been a transformative experience for her. Investing in support might seem daunting initially, but it’s crucial for effectively executing your vision.

Creating Community: The Table and Traveling Initiatives

Haley’s brand, "The Table," has grown significantly over the past year. Starting with female-centered events, it has now expanded to include co-ed gatherings, reaching a wider audience. Her latest brainchild, "Traveling Table," partners with large-scale single-day events to offer participants unique and valuable experiences.

On top of that, Haley is developing digital products, master classes, and a major live event called "The Table Experience Live," happening in Tempe, Arizona, in February 2025. With speakers, panelists, and even a virtual community, this event has something for everyone.

Reflecting on the Journey: Overachievement and Self-Worth

Looking back, Haley admits that a lot of her self-worth used to be tied to her corporate achievements. But stepping into the entrepreneurial world allowed her to reclaim her identity and focus on purposeful work. This shift has positively impacted her personal life, too, even influencing how her kids see her.

Balancing being a servant leader while ensuring she takes care of herself has been a constant challenge. Haley underscores the importance of self-care, even when you’re deeply invested in helping others. It's all about balance for long-term success and well-being.

Team Dynamics and Finding Your Flow

I’ve also found that different human design types need different kinds of team support systems. Being consciously aware of your strengths and weaknesses is key to building a great team. Haley’s journey strongly resonates with my own experience, especially the internal drive to find meaningful work and the shift from in-person to online business building.

Aligning with Passion and Purpose

Haley Westfall’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of aligning your career with your personal values. Her journey from corporate healthcare to creating impactful, connection-driven events and communities underscores the value of resilience, adaptability, and following your passion.

If you’re intrigued by Haley’s journey, definitely check her out on Instagram (@thehaleywestfall) and LinkedIn. For more details on her massive February 2025 event, head over to

Haley’s experience is a great lesson that while financial success is important, finding work that aligns with your deeper purpose and values will ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and enriched life.


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