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Growing an Aligned Business Through Your Human Design

Today on the "Design and Align Your Business" podcast, I am sharing how you can grow and aligned business using your human design! Tune in for human design tips and download my blueprint PDF that I created specifically as a guide for this episode and to help you dive in deeper.

Understanding Your Target Market

Getting clear on who you are serving is so important. This could be your target market or ideal clients. Understanding the problem you are solving or the desire you are fulfilling is crucial.

Service Delivery

How you are serving your clients? This includes what services you are delivering and how you are packaging those services.

Client Acquisition 

Map out the process of how clients find you and choose to work with you. This journey is unique to you and needs to be curated for the client you're trying to serve.

Communication and Messaging

Consider how you are communicating about your business and to the people you are trying to serve. This includes verbal communication and other forms of messaging.

Alignment with Authentic Self

Evaluate whether the different components of your business align with who you truly are, your specific gifts and skills, and the life you are trying to create.

Human Design

I’m also sharing some human design tips to consider when creating an aligned business, such as understanding your type, profile, centers, incarnation cross, and environment.

For more information about my upcoming aligned business blueprint program, connect with me on Instagram @iamannanichols!

Key Takeaways:

  • Finding a suitable growth strategy for your business

  • Five Steps to Grow an Aligned Business

  • Human design tips to consider when creating an aligned business: understanding your type, profile, centers, incarnation cross, and environment.

  • Join the next cohort of the Aligned Business Blueprint Program!


Design Your Aligned Business Guide PDF Guide for Episode 18:

Get Your Human Design Chart:

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